My Free Write

My Future

The way that I see my Future is successful and accomplishing all of my goals I have set at the age I’m at right now. I have manifested that I will have a nice car, a nice wife/girlfriend, a mansion, a good career in music, and a lot more. The way that I hope my future goes is living in a mansion in LA with all of my friends and being a multi millionaire.

I hope to be a famous and well known singer song artist. But if that doesn’t work out, which it has to, then I will pursue my dream in sports and NFT’s.

I dream of a perfect life and making a better life for my family and I. I have a lot of plans for when I grow up and if one of them doesn’t work out then I have my other options. But for now all I can do is manifest and practice so that the things I want to do when I get older will turn into reality.

That’s all for now but I hope that someone at least enjoyed how I want my future to go. If you have manifested your future somewhat like me leave a comment so I know who did. But remember if you say it will happen and put your heart into it it will turn to reality.


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I am a 8th grad blogger that plays sports and have good grades. I started blogging because of journalism and I actually really like it. This is what I do almost everyday besides sports, cooking, cleaning, schoolwork, etc.

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