Free write!

This free write is my opinion on certan things and those certain things are mostly people biasas twords everything such as sports money and some fame. Let’s start off by talking about money. Can money really buy us happiness? In my oppinion i say yes because, I belive that everything has a cost and if you don’t have the money to do something fun the you can’t do anyething fun. The problem with this world is that you nead money to survive. But fun comes after work and after done being productive with you’re week or day. Fun takes time away from you and gets you off track but it’s still something that you need in you’re life sometimes. And if you dont work you don’t get money and if you don’t get money you can’t have fun. Just think about all the times youve wanted to do something fun but you didn’t have the money to. Bu enough about money lets talk about sports. Some people may debate about this but all sports are a very relivant and awesome thing that potentially makes the world go round besides money and love. But some people may consider to many sports as a sport such as cheer leading and jimnasticks etc. in my oppinion these are not sports because they or more so hobbies. Sports are more of something that are contact or competing teams against one other team and see who wins with points. Chearleating there really arne’t point ssuch as dance they all have a sort of judge that determins the winner. In actual sports points determin the winner so it’s not someone else determining if you win it’s yourself. But jimnasticks theres points your probably saying to youreself but there are still judges by judge you by everything you do and if you have a biased judge guess what youre going to lose if they do not like you. They will mark you for the smallest most slightest mistakes. This brings me to my last oppionion, fame. Fame is something that has been around for probably ever. The way that I see fame is a person with princible, a person who carries themselves well and everyone sees that. And that is why people follow them around and think that they are a part of the highest powers. Famouse people are normal people just like us they all make mistakes they all get hurt they all get mad but the thing is if you are popular for something you are good at. Then emrase it and maybe one day you will becaome famous and people will want pictures etc. But you have to relise it is not easy to beb famouse you have to put in your best effort and make sure that people like what you do. Atleast that’s how i see it. Whoever made it to the end thank you! and if you aggree with any of my biases then don’t be affraid to comment.

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I am a 8th grad blogger that plays sports and have good grades. I started blogging because of journalism and I actually really like it. This is what I do almost everyday besides sports, cooking, cleaning, schoolwork, etc.

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